Isn't this the most beautiful blob you've ever seen! He doesn't have legs or arms yet, but he is perfect! I was having some stomach pain, so my doctor decided to do an early ultrasound. The u/s tech said everything looks great and we are so excited to see how much the baby grows from now until our next ultrasound at 12.5 weeks.
My morning sickness has really hit now! I don't get sick everyday, but I feel sick all day everyday. It is definitely not the best thing I've experienced, but it's all worth it. I also have been sneezing a lot and cannot stay awake at night. My new bedtime is 8pm and I rarely make it to the bed. Other than that, I am feeling fine. I think next week I will start posting belly pictures (even though there won't be much to see) and hopefully will have a positive update on my morning sickness!
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