This week has been pretty boring as far as baby related things. We had to go to the hospital last week because I was having some contraction, but it turned out to be nothing so they sent us home. I was glad because I don't think Henry is ready to come just yet. I've been having some contractions off and on still and they are painful enough where I have to stop and breathe for a minute. I can only imagine how painful they are going to become! Henry is moving around like normal. He has found my bladder and has a fun time kicking it especially if I am walking for more than 20 minutes.
I had my 34 weeks appointment today and my Dr assured me that Henry is still head down and that he is going to stay that way. I hope he's right because I do not want a C-section if I can keep from it. I am measuring perfectly and my weight gain is *finally* starting to settle down. I lost .4 pounds this week despite my swollen hands and feet. I will go in two weeks for my first internal and am hoping to see some progress. After that appointment I will go once a week until I deliver.
* How far along?: 34 weeks.
* Total weight gain: Down .4 lb this week despite eating like a pig while my mom was visiting.
* How big is baby?: He should be around 5.2-5.6 pounds and 18 inches long.
* Maternity clothes?: I wish I had more that fit!
* Stretch marks?: Still only on my sides.
* Sleep?: Wonderful again!
* Best moment this week?: Hanging out with my mom.
* Movement?: A lot of pushing and rolling.
* Food cravings?: Carbs
* Labor signs?: Some painful contractions off and on, but I have a feeling we still have a while.
* Belly button in or out?: Barely out.
* What I miss: Shopping at regular stores.
* What I'm looking forward to: Our anniversary and childbirth class this week.
* Milestone: Henry is head down and ready to go!