I almost made it through the whole vacation without throwing up, but unfortunately one morning the baby got the best of me and I had to break in the hotels sink. I am now taking the anti-nausea medicine Phenegran every morning. It is a life saver and I am actually able to eat normally again. I am hoping I won't need it much longer, but as of right now I have to take on right when I wake up or else I start feeling really bad.
I think it is easy to see that my belly has grown! I now have a bump and am quite proud of it. It makes me look a lot better in my maternity clothes and people are starting to ask me when I'm due.
My next appointment is April 30th. That is when we will schedule our big u/s. I am thinking it will be anywhere between May 10th and May 22nd. I am hoping it is closer to May 10th because I am about ready to burst waiting to find our what we are having. I was almost certain we were having a girl, but the day after I called the baby Emma all day I got sick. Maybe our baby boy was trying to tell me something. Either way I just want to know so I can find some cute clothes!
How far along? 16 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Up 8.5 pounds from 14 weeks. Yikes. Only up 4.5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight so that isn't as bad.
Maternity clothes? All of my bottoms and a few tops that aren't as flowy.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: It's alright. I'm trying to train myself to sleep on my side and am failing.
Best moment this week: Thinking I *maybe* felt a flutter.
Movement: Possibly one night, but maybe not.
Food cravings: Fruit, veggies, and bagels.
Gender: I guess girl...maybe. Sometimes.
Labor Signs: None and lets keep it that way for the next 21 weeks or so.
Belly Button in or out? In, but it is stretching out.
What I miss: Nothing. I am feeling pretty good.
What I am looking forward to: My next appointment and hearing baby's HB again.
Weekly Wisdom: Buy maternity underwear...even if they are bikini style. They are heavenly.
Milestones: Baby can hear me this week. I better watch my mouth!
You look so cute! And thanks for the tip on the underwear. I am thinking I might need some new ones. =)