I gained 2.6 pounds this week, putting me at 10 pounds gained overall. 2.6 pounds in one week is way too much gain so as of today I am making sure I eat healthier. Some examples are yogurt, watermelon, and toast for breakfast, as opposed to my normal 2 eggos with peanut butter and syrup. For my snacks, I am having fruit or pretzel thins with a little bit of peanut butter instead of my beloved smores. I know eating better is good for Henry and me so I am alright with it.
I found out my aunts are throwing me a baby shower in July. I am really excited and cannot wait to see my family and friends.
* How far along?: 21 weeks.
* Total weight gain: 10 pounds. I am not happy about this.
* How big is baby?: Between 12-15 ounces and 10.5 inches. He is as long as a banana!
* Maternity clothes?: Yes.
* Stretch marks?: None.
* Sleep?: Not great, but I am finished with work and can sleep in everyday!
* Best moment this week?: Shopping for Henry. Boy clothes can be cute!
* Movement?: Everyday. Some days it's more than others.
* Food cravings?: Steak, corn, potatoes.
* Labor signs?: None.
* Belly button in or out?: Still in.
* What I miss: Medium Rare steak...my mouth is watering.
* What I'm looking forward to: My family visiting this weekend!
* Milestone: Henry's hair is growing this week...if he is going to have any.
Amy don't feel bad by 27wks 3day at delivery I gained 27lbs