Henry is doing good. He is moving around like crazy and will kick me when I put pressure on my stomach. Andrew has been able to feel him a few times and my mom got to feel him once.
I am feeling good. I have had more energy this week and have been trying to get out for walks in the evening. My belly picture above looks huge in my opinion. I am going to blame it on my lunch I ate right before taking it.
* How far along?: 22 weeks.
* Total weight gain: 13.2 pounds
* How big is baby?: 15oz-1.1 pounds and 7.9 inches long.
* Maternity clothes?: Yes.
* Stretch marks?: None.
* Sleep?: I keep having bad dreams.
* Best moment this week?: Playing with Henry in utero.
* Movement?: Everyday and all day.
* Food cravings?: Cucumber
* Labor signs?: A few BH contractions.
* Belly button in or out?: Still in.
* What I miss: Fitting into jeans that actually have a button and zipper.
* What I'm looking forward to: the weekend.
* Milestone: Henry is making his own antibodies this week.
Becareful on dieting through your pregnancy! It is okay to gain the weight. I have gain twice you and I did not have m/s sickness to start off in the negatives. Weight gain is totally normal we are all gaining.