On Friday morning, I woke up and for some reason jumped out of bed half asleep. I got tangled up in my body pillow and fell off of the bed. I figured I was fine, but then I started having some cramping so I called my Dr. I asked if he wanted me to come in and his nurse told me I need to head to Labor and Delivery for some testing. I ended up being at the hospital from 11am to 5pm and had an ultrasound and some blood tests. The ultrasound was great. Henry had the hiccups and then yawned for us. Maybe I am partial, but I think he is already the most adorable and best baby ever! In the end, Henry and I checked out fine and I hope we won't be back in L&D for at least another 12 weeks!
My second issue this week was a burning sensation in my chest, back, and stomach. I figured it was heartburn, but after it migrated to one side I called the Dr. He had me go in today for some blood work to check on my liver, but I am certain everything will come back fine. I think the culprit is the grape soda I started drinking. I haven't had any carbonated drinks since I've been pregnant and I think the carbonation overload was causing issues. I haven't had any to drink today and haven't had any pain.
Other than the above two issues, everything has been great. I feel like I am getting so big now and am dreading my belly button popping. It's getting pretty shallow...especially after a big meal. Henry has been a little less active this week, but I think I finally figured out why...he has his days and nights mixed up. The last 2 nights I've woken up at 3am to a major dance party in my stomach. By the time it's morning he has worn himself out.
* How far along?: 25 weeks.
* Total weight gain: I gained 2.2 pounds this week so that puts me at 16.6 total.
* How big is baby?: He was 1lb 7oz on Friday! He is about 13.5 inches long.
* Maternity clothes?: Yes.
* Stretch marks?: Only 2, but they are getting darker.
* Sleep?: My snoogle is dangerous so I'm trying to just prop myself up against Andrew.
* Best moment this week?: Seeing Henry hiccup and yawn via ultrasound. Henry kicking Andrew in the head when he was listening to him move around.
* Movement?: A fair amount and they are really strong. My whole belly shakes now.
* Food cravings?: Cherries
* Labor signs?: None at all.
* Belly button in or out?: In, but shallow.
* What I miss: Pants without a panel.
* What I'm looking forward to: Organizing Henry's closet this weekend.
* Milestone: Henry is practicing breathing through his nose.
Ultrasound pictures from 24w2d
Henry's Profile

Henry yawning

Love the yawn picture. Those u/s's are always so amazing!
ReplyDeleteI keep going back to look at the yawning picture! That's just too cute! I love when they are able to catch such cute actions on the u/s!
ReplyDelete=) imaPrincess