* How far along?: 24 weeks.
* Total weight gain: I gained 1.2 pounds this week so that puts me at 14.4 total.
* How big is baby?: 1.3-1.5 pounds and 8.7 inches long.
* Maternity clothes?: Yes.
* Stretch marks?: Only 2, but they are really light.
* Sleep?: Last night Andrew slept in the guest bedroom and it was great having our bed to myself. I don't want to make a habit out of it though.
* Best moment this week?: Getting our glider!
* Movement?: A ton.
* Food cravings?: Smiley Potatoes
* Labor signs?: None at all.
* Belly button in or out?: In.
* What I miss: Sleeping without the fan on full blast.
* What I'm looking forward to: Putting together our glider.
* Milestone: Henry is developing taste buds.
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