After a week of a lot of pain, anxiousness, and an overall horrible mood, I am happy to say I am feeling great this week. I still have the aches and pains, but they aren't nearly as bad as they were. Mentally, I am calm and 100% ready. I am not stressing out about when he is going to come, but I am not comfortable going much past my EDD, so if he stays in too long we will have to give him a little help.
Last week I ended up going to the Dr twice because Henry wasn't moving as much. Because of his lack of movement, I now have to go for Non-Stress Tests twice a week to be monitored. Henry has been doing great, but sometimes he doesn't want to be woken up and will make the nurse use her noise maker on my stomach. My next regular appointment is tomorrow. Hopefully I will get some news about when he's coming.
* How far along?: 39 weeks.
* Total weight gain: 1.2 pounds this week.
* How big is baby?: He should be about 7lb 11oz and 20 inches long.
* Maternity clothes?: I only have 3 shirts that fit me again.
* Stretch marks?: Yep
* Sleep?: Rolling over is tough, but overall I'm getting a lot of rest.
* Best moment this week?: Realizing I am going to meet my little guy in a week!
* Movement?: He's a little less active, but he is running out of room.
* Food cravings?: Anything and everything. I am hungry all of the time!
* Labor signs?: None that really mean anything.
* Belly button in or out?: Out
* What I'm looking forward to: Meeting Henry
* Milestone: Henry is ready to be if we could just let him know that.