Yesterday we had our NT scan. An NT scan is basically an ultrasound and blood test that give you a an idea of what your baby's risk is for a few genetic disorders. We haven't gotten the results from the blood test yet, but the tech said the measurements she took looked really good. That was great to hear. On top of that great news, we got to see the baby for about 20 minutes. Baby was sleeping about 18 minutes of that time. Finally, the tech woke the baby up by pushing on my stomach. He was not happy about that. He promptly kicked me as hard as he could and then rolled over to show us his cute little butt. Then, he went back to sleep. I think our baby already has an attitude! We had a great time. Our next ultrasound will be between 18 and 20 weeks. We will find out what we are having then! Pictures below.
Profile of baby.

Baby's arms up by his face.

Baby's little feet.

Baby's face and body.
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